Chapter 5.11 – Recognition

Faith knows that she has overstepped her boundaries with Jared.
The full scope of what she has done really hits her as she drives home with Doc after leaving the Bits-n-Bites cafe. Jared not only fired her from the part-time job she had been doing for him, but he also evicted Doc and barred both of them from the cafe and the little basement lab where Doc had been working. Faith apologizes profusely to Doc for being so arrogant and pushy. All she can do is pray that Grandpa Mark will agree to give him a job at the research center.
Doc was being outright abused by Wiley and she let her passion for justice get the best of her. Hopefully, her grandfather will understand.Faith instructs Doc to wait in the foyer while she fetches her grandfather. Her pride and arrogance had cost Doc his job, his home, and access to his belongings in the lab. Grandpa Mark is sure to be furious, but she has no choice but to try to make this right.
She finds Mark reading in the den. His smile fades when he sees her contrite expression. She cannot think of a single time he has had to discipline her for anything. Something tells her that tonight will be a first. She sits down quietly and does her best to calmly tell him the facts of what happened at the cafe. He is clearly surprised when she gets to the part about offering Doc a job at the research center and the terms with which she offered to employ him.
But it isn’t until after she tells him that Doc has been evicted and needs a place to sleep tonight, that Mark’s mood takes a nosedive.
Hope hears her father’s voice carry across the estate to her office, where she is working on the bistro’s employee schedule. She hasn’t heard him raise his voice since before she became pregnant with Faith, so she gets up quickly to see what the problem is. She glides down the stairs and sees a guest waiting in the foyer. Thinking it is Jimmy, she goes over to invite him inside while he waits for Faith. But she does not find Jimmy.
Hope catches her breath and manages to stay upright. Standing in the entryway to her estate is a sim plucked right out of her dreams. Not just any sim, either. She has dreamt about him more times than she can count, and has woken up crying that he is not lying next to her. There are no words to describe such a thing, so she just stands, staring at the unlikely man she has loved for years, but has never actually met. Words are not necessary, however.
Because the recognition is immediate,
and powerful,
and mutual.
Mark makes his way to the front of the estate after reprimanding Faith. The girl has a heart of gold. He has feared that she might some day become too close to her volunteer work and befriend somebody who might try to take advantage of her. He remembers the man Faith told him about. There was something about him that Mark liked, so he decided to give the guy a leg up. He turned out to be some kind of organizational savant. But he just up and quit after a month.
There is no way he is going to let this guy stay at the estate tonight. He’ll just have to pay the guy enough to buy a small place of his own to make up for the trouble Faith caused him. They can talk about a job at the research center tomorrow over lunch. Happy with this plan, Mark turns the corner and prepares to greet his house guest. Unfortunately, even the best plans sometimes have to be sent back to the drawing board.
Or even worse, just scrapped altogether.

9 thoughts on “Chapter 5.11 – Recognition

  1. Faith and Doc! Did I call it earlier, or what?? Of course, knowing you, things may not be what they seem 🙂 I just hope Mark is okay with this, and that Faith doesn’t feel too guilty about what she did. Learning to avoid making decisions based on emotions is a trait developed over time.

    Awesome job — can’t wait for more!!



    1. Doc is such a fun character. He is beyond brilliant, but has next to zero social skills. Hope is rather lacking in the logic realm, but is hyper-social. I just couldn’t pass up getting these two together. Doc is definitely going to cause some eyebrows to raise in Hope’s celebrity circle of friends; that’s for sure.


  2. meh need….more…..chapters seriously though Zoxell your story never fail to amaze me and I am glad that I accidently stumbled upon this legacy blog and I have to say (again) that you have an amazing ability to tell stories and I humbly request that when the day comes for this legacy to end that you start another story about something 🙂


    1. The holidays are always busy for us. I volunteer as unit leader for our Cub Scout’s pack (cubmaster) and I also have an older boy in Boy Scouts. There is always somethig going on with either of those. Plus all of the school holiday stuff, and the church stuff going on. And the whole work thing …pleh.
      It will definitely be a slow-go until after Christmas.
      As far as what comes after the Barimens, I have been tossing around ideas for an apocolypse challenge. But I’d have to make the world for it using the world creator (not just any old game world will do) 😉


  3. hehe cant wait for it and I agree you need a new world for such a challenge anyways when you have your house up on the exchange let me know cause I so want it 🙂


  4. Oooohh…so good! I cant believe the have been dreaming about each other!!
    Im also so proud of Faith for sticking up to the slimeball Jared. Im glad she is so passionate and wont let anyone walk all over her.


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