Chapter 3 – Mark

Prologue: The Barimen family has been able to enjoy a few years worth of prosperity. David has continued to invest heavily in Sunset Valley, and is either partner or full owner of five local businesses. Bebe’s paintings are in high demand, and fetch huge sums from private collectors. But as she gets older, she is not able to work the long hours she used to.
She spends the precious time she has remaining bonding with her grandchildren . She loves them as any grandmother would; and more. But there has, and always will, be a special bond between her and Yuki.
Mark’s birthday arrives amid concern for Bebe’s health. She has lived a very long time, and everybody can sense that her final days are approaching. But she celebrates Mark’s transition into childhood as if she were a young woman, all the while knowing that it is likely the last birthday she will celebrate.
Mark Barimen has every reason in the world to be happy.
Everywhere they go around town, people recognize them. Sometimes people will just come up to his dad and thank him for saving a life or fixing something that was wrong with them.  And his mom has become a favorite at the park when she plays her guitar. She had picked it up as a hobby when she was pregnant with him, and has become quite good. Most of his mom’s practice has been singing and playing for him and his sisters.
Mark really likes to hear her play her songs too. She plays them better at home, though. He thinks her music sounds more “cuddly” when it is just the kids around.
But best of all is when he and his dad get to spend time alone fishing at the beach. His dad tells such great stories about fishing with his own father, and how he used to pretend that pirates had landed and were coming up the hill to the tiny log cabin they lived in.
Mark knows he should be happy. But for some reason, he just isn’t. It’s almost like his “happy” gets zapped into thin air as soon as he starts to feel it. It’s a lot like the excitement of feeling a fish hitting the line, only to pull up an empty hook with the bait missing. He wishes he could be like his dad, who seems to always be happy and psyched-up about everything.
In fact, Mark has big hopes of becoming as famous for helping people as his dad has become. He hears his mom and dad talking about how people come from all over the world just so his dad can make them better. Every once in awhile he can hear them talking quietly about something that happened in Africa where his mother had done something amazing.
Maybe, by following in their footsteps, he can enjoy the same happiness his mom and dad enjoy.
Mark Barimen – Grumpy, Good, Angler

5 thoughts on “Chapter 3 – Mark

  1. I love how you tried to portay the world through Mark’s eyes, it’s interesting to see how a little child views things!

    And as much as I hate for it to happen, I feel like when Bebe dies, I’m going to be very upset.


  2. i’m going to be upset too! I liked her more than I liked the founder! haha but really… I’m seriously dreading her death.


  3. Aww poor Mark. I know how he feels. I hope he finds his happiness and moves the mystery along. Sorry, I’m impatient.

    I have finally updated my legacy a bit. I had some horrible game issues.


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